Monday, August 5, 2013

LNA's First Alliance Tournament

Within a few minutes of our match against Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork on Saturday, we knew our time in ATXI was over.  It was a well-fought match and one of the more enjoyable ones LNA had during the tournament, but our Minmatar rush setup could not compete with the raw blaster power of the Gallente rush setup that MIF fielded that day.  When it was obvious we no longer had a chance of winning, GF's were posted in local and we as a team congratulated ourselves on how far we made it during the tournament.  I don't think anyone had any expectations for LNA, but it was shown that we are not to be taken lightly.  I think everyone on the LNA team had a great experience with the AT, scheduling was a little tough for some and I know it became stressful at times, but I believe we all walked away with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

For me it was exciting to be a part of one of my most favorite things in EVE Online.  I have watched every alliance tournament that has been broadcast and always payed close attention to the teams involved.  I love the theory-crafting facet of EVE Online, and to be able to apply that to developing setups for the tournament was very enjoyable.  It was really cool to watch the replays and hear people who I have been watching commentate for years talk about our team.  Experiencing the tournament first hand is something I'll never forget and I hope to be a part of it again next year.

What does the future hold in store for LNA?  It's anyone's guess, we'll continue the fight in the Amarr/Minmatar warzone and focus on lowsec pvp.  People will come and go and we'll continue to have fun blowing stuffs up and being blown up by whatever comes across our path.  There's talk of forming a team for the Syndicate Competitive League, but you can be sure we'll be trying our best to make an appearance in next year's Alliance Tournament.

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