Until this last week, moving into a new home has never been distressing for me. I would gather and organize my few posessions and load them into a truck in an order that maximized the efficiency of the packing and that of the consequental unpacking. This time it was different, a lot has changed in my life since my last move; I'm in a steady relationship, I have a new job, and I've bought a LOT of stuff. This time I felt like a Hoarder pilot trying to organize multiple stations worth of unpackaged goods in 10 different regions while using auto-pilot and having my assetts, sort-by, and stack all menu options disabled. Can you spell cluster-f***?
At one point I had an amazingly nerdy thought, "God I wish I had a jump freighter." Which got me thinking about the plausibility of future generations obtaining some of the technologies portrayed in EVE Online. I was reminded of a series of articles published under the EVE online backstory that are mock scientific articles which give pseudoscientific explanations to some of the technologies that make the fiction of EVE possible (FTL Travel, FTL communications, Cloning, etc...)
I re-read these pieces and was very impressed with how each pseudoscientific idea or principle was presented. Many explanations referenced and extrapolated upon real-word scientific principles and used scientific termonology while doing so, which gave the articles an air of credibility. Out of all "explanations" for sci-fi technology I've encountered in media, these articles are the ones that really set the bar. They were both fun to read and thought-provoking; reading them made me feel as if all of this fiction could one day become a reality
There are many leaps, bounds, hurdles, and stumbles before humanity can even hope to obtain interstellar travel, but I really hope I live to see the day when those awesome capabilities are within our grasp. Let's hope that governments and parents alike don't lose sight of the importance of education and the proliferation of science and math. Perhaps one day we will witness the creation of a "depleted vacuum", "mass boson sphere", or the "entanglement of quantum states". :)
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